
Serving men and women in St. Charles, Geneva, Batavia, South Elgin, Elgin, Naperville, Aurora, Sycamore, and Dekalb.

Imagine reducing your double chin without liposuction or surgery! Kybella, a cosmetic injectable brought to you by the makers of Botox, is specially formulated to eliminate diet-resistant fat under the chin, with stunning, permanent results. Visit Pür Bliss Med Spa to determine whether Kybella treatment is right for you.

Cosmetologist makes lipolytic injections to burn fat on the chin, cheeks and neck of a woman against double chin. Female aesthetic cosmetology in a beauty salon.Cosmetology concept.

What Is Kybella and How Does It Work?

Kybella by Allergan is the first and only FDA-approved injectable treatment designed to reduce moderate to severe fat beneath the chin, called submental fullness or a double chin. The active ingredient in Kybella is a patented synthetic form of deoxycholic acid. The substance naturally occurs in the body and helps metabolize dietary fat.

When injected under the chin, Kybella breaks down fat cells, delivering a noticeable reduction in the fullness under the chin. The fat cells are cleared from the body through the natural metabolic processes. Once destroyed, the fat cells are gone for good, so you won’t need further treatments after achieving your desired chin contours.

Kybella FAQ


    Are You a Candidate for Kybella?

    Good candidates for Kybella are typically men and women over 18 who want to reduce diet and exercise-resistant fat under their chin without surgery. If you have any infections in the area, they must be treated before you receive Kybella injections.

    If you’re considering Kybella double chin reduction, consult with our experts at Pür Bliss Med Spa. Dr. Thakkar will evaluate your medical history and unique needs to help you determine whether Kybella is right for you.


    What Should You Expect During Treatment?

    Dr. Thakkar will examine the area and tailor the treatment to address the specific amount of fat under your chin. She will numb the treatment area using a local anesthetic for your comfort, then administer multiple injections to dramatically improve your chin contours. The procedure should take about an hour to complete, and you’ll need little to no downtime, meaning you can return to your daily activities right away.

    The number of treatments will vary from person to person. However, most people require 2-4 treatment sessions spaced six weeks apart. The amount of product injected will decrease for every subsequent treatment.


    What Are the Expected Results?

    It may take several months to see the desired results after your series of Kybella treatments, but the improvement you’ll experience is well worth the wait. After each of your treatment sessions, it takes four to six weeks for the Kybella injections to work in the body and for the first results to appear. You should enjoy the full effects of the treatment after about three months, with a significant reduction in the submental fullness and an improved chin and jawline profile.

    Even though the treatment results are permanent, weight gain may result in some fullness returning under the chin. That’s because when Kybella targets fat cells in the treatment area, some are destroyed, but some remain. If weight gain occurs, you may see the fat cells left behind expand. However, since fewer fat cells remain, the fullness and chin contours should not return to how they were before treatment.

Kybella Near Me in St. Charles, IL

If you want to melt away your double chin with Kybella, talk to our experts at Pür Bliss Med Spa. Dr. Thakkar and her team look forward to delivering the beautiful sculpted and contoured chin profile you desire. We invite you to call (630) 513-6000 to schedule your consultation or request an appointment online today.

Keep in mind that the patient experience and treatment results may vary from person to person.